Sunday, May 25, 2008

mcm2 cerita..ding dong!

wah...dah lama x tulis blog.sorry coz am quite bz for a long tick tock..days..months..huhahuha..i dont have any ideas blk dr kenduri kawen kt besut.2 rumah tired..huhu..but the best part is bole jumpe gelfren lame ba.wakaka! me n ma cousin,adik ama cpt2 gosip dgn mama n cik su..hahaha.bole tahan cun pn. zaiton lg la.kami bergelak tawa dlm keta.bergegar habis! dasyat jugak kisah percintaan "mr broery marantika" ni.
da penat gosip,singgah rumah usual la,kna dgr che ngumpat n luah mende yg dia xpuas hati..ade je..kesian cik su.(kna lg)..
mcm2 cerite la hr ni..pegi kenduri kawen,dgr kisah cinta tahun 70-an la,dgr che ngumpat yg penting kami sume enjoy hr ni!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

melaka was a wonderful country and too much historical story here.. this is my second time i went to melaka and the 1st time i went there when i was in standard 3.(i think i'm rite...)..after 13 years, there are a lot of development changing here..i was so teruja...hehehe..when uitm 'invited' me to study there,actually i'm quite shocked because i didn't expect that i will study in melaka. that was so far ..and i'm gonna miss my family so much..:(
i'm a student right now and im so excited to start my 1st campus is exactly in the busy town.i didn't expected my campus like that.oh god...there are too much traffic lights there.i have to stop and stop to cross the road.yeah..thats what we call the development changing..hehehe..but there are a lot of things that i have to learn the way to live peacefully in melaka.haha..since i stayed here,i have to learn to eat spicy food without air masak and tissue.huhu..i tell you what?i dont ever like dog! but, yesterday he followed me and trying to gesel2 his kaki with me.maybe he thought that i'm a chinesse girl and hoped for the belaian..haha!
sorry..i'm not that kind of girl trying to give the belaian..go away!!!

nadia spills..

I am a homebody. I love to stay at home and I love cooking so much. I am taking a degree in international business. Actually I don’t really like this course because I have to hafal a lot of things about ‘biznes things’. That was so horror for me. Hahaha! And I love shopping too!
I am extremely happy in my personal life. That is one thing then aside from that, me as a person being older, I am in a good place. As a 21 years old teenager, I’ve learnt to be a lady- in the way I dress and carry myself. I was very much a jeans-and-tee person before. I wanna be a simple and casual person, trying to look gojes and ayu dpn org. ahaks! (Perempuan melayu terakhir wannabe.
I felt in love with ch703 (asian food channel). When am at home, I just watching the telly and learnt how to cook, how to make cake or learnt something different that u wanna try. It is really captivating me. I tell u what; Cook is such a wonderful thing. “Anda akan terasa nikmatnye bile anda selesai memasak dan orang lain mencuba masakan anda. Setiap kunyahan yang dibawa turun terus ke perut itulah yang dinamakan keindahan dalam masakan...” that is why I told u cook is fun. I like james oliver twist so much! He is so simple person and the way he cook showing me that cooking was great!
I like to spend time with my family and my friends too. Sometimes, I like to lepak2 kt kedai mkn, so I hang out with my sista or my ‘goodie-goodie’ friends and people watch. If not for these things, I love to sleep..zzzzz…

the happiness..

this is my beloved family and i'm so much in love with them..mama and ba are not really productive members,which produced 4 of us..including kakak,abg,me and fais..but,unfortunately my real blood brother is not in the pic..mcm biasala..pagi2 raya lagi dah keluar beraya. :)i would like to welcome my new team members,my brother-in-law..we called him abg fir. that was unforgetable bluest raya eva..